Free October Event

Conversations about end of life with family and friends are never easy. Thinking about the future today can reduce
stress and result in better outcomes – no matter what your age. As summer fades and Autumn approaches the
Future Matters team will be offering two Free Events to not only meet the team, discuss your thoughts but also to
help put your affairs in order!
1. Tuesday 22 October 10:30 – 12:30hrs – Advance Care Planning & Lasting Powers of Attorney What, Why, How?
Get free guidance on how to put together Advance Care Plans and Lasting Powers of Attorney. Setting up a Lasting
Power of Attorney (“LPA”) may sound complicated, but it is a simple way of protecting your health and your
finances together with the people you trust.
Location : Islington North London Library – Manor Gardens, London N7 6JX
2. Tuesday 29 October 10:30 – 12:30hrs – Wills & Funeral Planning: What, Why, How?
Get free practical guidance for setting up a Will. Putting everything in order means that it will be less for your
family/friends to deal with at such an emotional time. Also covered is how to organise and set up your Funeral
Plans, choosing in advance what you want and what you do not want to happen.
Location : Islington North London Library – Manor Gardens, London N7 6JX
To learn more about Future Matters and the service it provides, refer to:
For further information regarding Gentle Dusk:
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