General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) & Practice Privacy Notice

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union directive. It came into force in May 2018. Along with it came the new  UK Data Protection Act 2018  These laws govern the way organisations handle personal and sensitive information.

Clerkenwell Medical Practice handles your data in line with the above laws. It also follows the  Common Law Duty of Confidentiality and the 8 Caldicott Principles.

We are committed to keeping your data secret. We only share it for direct care or where the law or our NHS contract requires us to. We also share it when not sharing it would be more harmful than sharing it.

Our Privacy Notice contains an in depth description of how we handle your data.

Access to your medical record

You can gain access to some aspects of your medical record online. Please contact reception for a form. You will need to provide photo proof of identity such as a passport.

If necessary you can gain a copy of your record by submitting a Subject Access Request

View our Subject Access Request Policy here

View and download our Subject Access Request Form here